If you have searched endlessly for a legitimate way to make money on the internet, and have ended up with no results, then you shouldn't quit there. I have discovered a way to make a decent amount of money on the internet! I had searched online for reviews and I have read one after the other and I have had nothing but positive results. It is called Amazon Mechanical Turk. It may have a "super-fancy" name, but it in fact is very simple. I created an account only yesterday and I have made $4.78 for doing work I didn't even put any effort into. I did that math and I found out that if I did the same HIT (i'll explain later) over and over, which is $0.05 for every submission, for about 3 hours a day, I will make about $20 a day. This is better then nothing! That's about $140 a week if you're dedicated. To start with Amazon Mechanical Turk, you must create an account. You must provide your social security number, but don't work! Amazon is a trusted website and they have no history of scamming. You can even do the research for yourself! To create an account, you must go to the website mturk.com and create an account. To do this, go to the website and click the create an account link in the top-right corner of the website and input your active email address and a good password. Once you do that you will be taken straight to the page where HITs are located and you can get straight to work! You don't even have to wait for your account to be approved, you can instantly start to do HITs!
HIT is an acronym for Human Intelligence Tasks. These are tasks that computers are not yet able to do such as type an article or tag pictures. People post these jobs, and offer reward money. The reward amount can vary from anywhere between $0.01 - $50.00. The HITs that offer lower reward amounts normally come in bulk, meaning you can do that HIT over again for more reward money. There is no limit on how many HITs you can do in a certain time period. This is the good thing about MTurk.
I have seen people that have made hundreds and even thousands of dollars using this website and I must say so for myself, this website looks very promising for me. I hope you check it out and become satisfied with the results such as I! If you have already found out about this website and have made a decent amount of money from this website, please comment about your expierences!
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